
Results Physical Therapy
Physical Therapists located in Gainesville & Fairfax, VA
Recovering from a major illness or injury can be a stressful process, but the medical professionals at Results Physical Therapy in Gainesville and Fairfax, Virginia help you get back on your feet sooner. The team offers extensive rehabilitation therapy to help you regain your strength, relearn skills, and find new ways of completing everyday tasks. If you or a loved one is recovering from a serious illness, injury, or surgery, call Results Physical Therapy, or make an appointment online today.
Rehabilitation Q & A
What is Rehabilitation?
Rehabilitation or "rehab" is designed to aid in the recovery process after a significant illness, injury, or surgery. The goal of rehab is to enhance and restore your natural abilities. You may need rehab as a result of any of the following conditions:
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Broken bone
- Torn ligament
- Ruptured tendon
- Major surgery
- Chronic illness
In some cases, your rehab may focus on healing an injury or restoring natural functions that were temporarily lost because of a health problem. In other instances, your rehab may emphasize adapting to your "new normal."
If you've experienced a health crisis that caused a permanent change in the way your body functions, a physical therapist can help you learn to adapt to these changes. Physical therapy can also assist you as you learn to use new tools, such as a cane or walker.
How Do Physical Therapists Help with Rehabilitation?
The physical therapists at Results Physical Therapy are healthcare professionals. They work to help their patients maintain and restore bodily movement and function.
The overarching goal of physical therapy is to increase the patient's overall health and quality of life. Your physical therapist will use a wide range of therapeutic techniques to help you achieve your treatment goals.
Your physical therapist may assist you with any of the following:
- Exercises to build muscle strength and stamina
- Stretches to improve joint and muscle flexibility
- Hot and cold therapy to relieve pain or swelling
- Learning to use assistive devices like a walker
Physical therapists at Results Physical Therapy also specialize in manual therapy. This type of physical therapy uses hands-on treatment to address issues affecting your joints or muscles. Manual therapy is often helpful in relieving muscle tension or reducing pain.
What Can I Expect From a Rehabilitation Session?
Your first session will begin with an in-depth consultation with your physical therapist. Your physical therapist first reviews your medical history and asks you about your symptoms. Next, your physical therapist helps you set treatment goals and discusses possible treatment outcomes.
Your physical therapist will guide you through a series of treatments and exercises designed to meet your individual needs. You may also receive recommendations for exercises to perform at home.
If your everyday activities feel like exhausting tasks, rehabilitation at Results Physical Therapy can help. Call today, or book an appointment online.
To contact the Gainesville clinic, please call:
To contact the Fairfax clinic, please call:
Rehabilitation Services
Manual Therapymore info
Massage Therapymore info
Arthritismore info
Neck Painmore info
Back Painmore info
Physical Therapymore info
Rehabilitationmore info
Dry Needlingmore info
Elbow Painmore info
Hand/Wrist Painmore info
Hip Painmore info
Knee Painmore info
Functional Movement Screenmore info
Workers’ Compensationmore info
TMJmore info
Pilates/Barremore info
Difficulty Walkingmore info
Impaired Balancemore info
Post-Cancer Rehabilitationmore info
Neurological Rehabilitationmore info